Delete Hibernation File

I’m using Windows7 and my computer has 8G RAM, because it is a desktop PC, I don’t need hibernation.

The hibernation file is about 6G, surely, this a huge waste of disk resource. How to remove this file and trun off hibernation?

it’s simple: rum cmd.exe, execute:

@powercfg -h off

Well, everything is OK.

New ARM devkit

Well, yesterday I got a new ARM devkit: a STM32103RB dev board with Segger JLink.


Thanks Segger, they provide signed Win7 x64 driver for this product.


Windows 7 有一个臭名卓著的bug。什么?你不知道?只要搜“windows7 explorer double click scroll”,排在结果第一的就是。

OK, let’s show it.




Update,现在有一个解决办法,使用开源的 Classic Shell:




Explorer 向 TreeView 发送了两次 TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE,第一次发送给顶层Item,第二次发送给选中的Item。发送给顶层是没有什么意义的,这导致了bug,但是不知道微软这样做的意义。

解决的办法可以参考 Classic Shell 的源代码,ExplorerBHO.cpp line 39:

    if (uMsg==TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE && (dwRefData&1))
        // HACK! there is a bug in Win7 Explorer and when the selected folder is expanded for the first time it sends TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE for
        // the root tree item. This causes the navigation pane to scroll up. To work around the bug we ignore TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE if it tries
        // to show the root item and it is not selected
        HTREEITEM hItem=(HTREEITEM)lParam;
        if (!TreeView_GetParent(hWnd,hItem) && !(TreeView_GetItemState(hWnd,hItem,TVIS_SELECTED)&TVIS_SELECTED))
            return 0;

Metroid Prime Chs 20101004

Well, this is Metroid Prime Chinese Localization release 2010.10.04.


Only a few changes:

  • Compiled using vc++ 2010, so patching is faster.
  • Fix few characters can’t display (because the map table is outdated).
  • Put GameCube and Wii patches to single release archive.